How to write on black paper
Essay Topics About Gun Control
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Banking Comparison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Banking Comparison - Essay Example To start with, the establishment to be picked must have the option to ensure security of the stores made. Further, it ought to guarantee have the option to give both long haul and momentary speculation openings. In addition, with the expanding mechanical headway, it must have the option to give internet banking administrations at moderate rates. The decision taken must have the option to ensure ATM benefits inside the region of living arrangement and different areas too. Intrigue ought to likewise be put on the financial records and the expenses that are related with them. The establishment ought to likewise have the option to guarantee access to the administrations globally just as a protected store box. The expenses charged on target moves ought to likewise be a state of concern. At last, the area of the organization ought to be helpful and the premium earned on the investment funds program ought to be thoughtful. Surely, a money related organization that ensures all these will be the best. The approach that will be received in doing examination to discover the most proper budgetary organization to join will incorporate both essential and optional. Optional will include looking the online data accessible with respect to the organization including the site and different articles. Further, there will be essential methodology where an inside and out meeting will be done to guarantee that satisfactory direct data is assembled from the bank work force. This will be done through the meeting of the banks as an individual and doing an eye to eye meet with the institution’s staff on the administrations advertised. At last, the information gathered through both the essential and auxiliary methodology will be contrasted and the individual needs so as to concoct the absolute best alternative. In the wake of doing research on Bank of America, CITI, and Chase bank, plainly the banks offer practically comparative administrations of premium. To be sure, having visited the branches for top to bottom meetings, it nearly got hard to
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Living on Death Row :: Criminal Justice Essays
Living on Death Row The motivation behind this paper is to look at life waiting for capital punishment. The data acquired so as to compose this paper originated from one article. In perusing the article it is extremely obvious to see the conspicuous uneven inclination of the writer, who is evidently resolvedly against the present status of death pushes over the United States of America. Lamentably, no examination could be found to show different perspectives or assessments of life waiting for capital punishment. The writer of this article utilized numerous sentiments, direct records and encounters of detainees living waiting for capital punishment to delineate his/her thoughts. In any case, there is an undeniable inclination of those as of now living waiting for capital punishment against their day to day environments and treatment. It very well may be accepted that couple of individuals would need to be some place or appreciate being some place when they realized that they would in the long run be exec uted. It is can likewise be accepted that not many individuals would discover anticipating executing a glad or satisfying experience. It is fascinating to take note of that while scanning the Internet for data on capital punishment a wealth of sites were discovered that had a place with detainees waiting for capital punishment. Every one of whom asserted that they were wrongly denounced, confined for, and blameless of the violations that they were sentenced for submitting.  It is the assessment of the writer that the principle reason and objective of death row is human stockpiling. (Article, p.48) By this the writer is recommending that censured detainees [are] treated basically as bodies kept alive to be murdered. (Article, p.48) The writer proceeds to utilize models given by prisoners waiting for capital punishment to represent the previously mentioned point. On such model remembered the supposed treatment of a self-destructive detainee for a death row in Texas. Evidently this detainee was put in a restraint †¦handcuffs†¦placed on his wrists†¦a crash helmet†¦. was set on his head and there he lay for a considerable length of time, vulnerable, alone and sedated. (Article, p. 49) Unfortunately there is no data offered regarding what else could have been accomplished for the detainee or what offices the jail needed to manage this sort of issue. This is additionally a narrative model given by somebody waiting for capital punishment themselves. It is very conceivable that this model may have been overstated or misshaped in the re-telling or even advised trying to get staff in a difficult situation or give just desserts to the staff for a 'wrong' done against the detainee.
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
2011 Freshman Wait-list Applicants - UGA Undergraduate Admissions
2011 Freshman Wait-list Applicants - UGA Undergraduate Admissions 2011 Freshman Wait-list Applicants Later today, we will be making decisions available to students. For those of you who have been wait-listed by UGA, here is a post for you and a chance to comment. Please remember that this is not a blog where you should post statistics, throw fellow classmates under the bus, etc. These types of comments will be deleted. As well, I will be away from a computer on Friday evening (at a wedding), so be patient as I may not be able to respond until the weekend. Every year, our office has to predict approximately how many students we can admit in order to enroll our freshman class, but we can never be sure how many students will enroll until after the May 1 deposit deadline has passed. If the number of students who say they will be attending UGA is lower than we expect, we may need to go to our wait-list group in order to get the size that we want for our freshman class. Every year, we have about 1,000 students on the wait-list, and we carefully monitor the deposits coming into the University to see where we are in comparison to the predicted freshman numbers. The Wait-List FAQ can answer some questions, but the most important thing you need to do is decide if you want to remain on the wait-list. Follow the instructions on the status check and/or the wait-list letter we mailed out, and let us know if you want to stay on the wait-list or if you want to decline this option and go forward with admission at another college. If you decide to stay on the wait-list, you still want to move forward with an alternate college plan, as we will not know about any wait-list options until May. If you select to stay on the wait-list, we then know you still want to attend UGA if an opportunity opens up. This year, there are three options for the wait-list reply; You can say no, please do not consider me for the wait-list. The next option is to remain on the wait-list, but only if it is for the Fall term. The third option is to remain on the wait-list and be considered for both Fall and Spring term. This is so that if there is space available for the Fall term, we will look at all of the students who have asked to remain on the wait-list, but the only space available is Spring term, we will then work with only the students who said Fall or Spring. We will not know details about the wait-list until May, so please be patient with our office, and read the FAQ before asking questions, as it can give you a great deal of information.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Exploring The Depth Of Romance And How Coppola s Dracula
Rationale: My feature article will be exploring the depth of romance and how and why Coppola decided to develop theses deep ideas of love. I will also be discussing Coppola’s decision to use very old film techniques. This is will allow the reader of the feature article to further understand why Coppola did the things that he did and therefore allow them to have a better understanding of the film. I will also be exploring the attitudes, values and beliefs that were held in the time period of the original novel and how Coppola developed and presented that to a modern 90’s audience. TRUE LOVE’S DARK BITE Francis Ford Coppola’s 1992 hit, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, reimagines the timeless Dracula tale and creates a twisted love story that allows contemporary audiences an insight into a surprisingly relatable fable, as Taylor Ellison explores†¦ Bram Stoker’s Dracula Love is not black and white and Francis Ford Coppola’s ageless classic Bram Stoker’s Dracula epitomises the many layers that come with romance. The dark love story highlights the romance of the gothic horror and still manages to convey the fear and terror that cemented the original novel as an iconic and memorable classic. Coppola’s imaginative view of a timeless tale embodies the gothic genre, with strong themes of romance, sexuality and lust, as the complexity of love is exposed. Coppola allows us an insight into his processes when creating this epic narrative. Why did you decide to establish a backstory for
Saturday, May 9, 2020
The Common Security And Defense Policy Essay - 2182 Words
Many of the institutions within the European Union play a substantial role in formulating EU foreign policy. The Common Security and Defense Policy, often referred to as the CSDP, was created as a way for the EU member states to develop defense, military and crisis management policies. The CSDP, which began as a Franco-British initiative in 1998, was created as a major component of the Common Security Foreign Policy of the European Union. In the years since its inception, the CSDP has enabled the EU to gain power and become a world leader in the realm of international security. Much of the common security and defense policy’s success is due to the capabilities and resources that are provided by the EU member states and world partners such as NATO. As many of the European Union member states are members of both the CSDP and NATO, the two organizations work side by side in order to accomplish Western security goals. Britain had played a leading role in the EU common security a nd defense policy since it was created. Since the vote in June 2016 to decide whether the British exit from the EU would take place, many have wondered what ‘Brexit’ would mean for the EU and its institutions. This paper will examine and analyze the impact of Brexit on the EU Common Security and Defense Policy. In order to truly understand how the UK’s exit from the Union will impact the CSDP and EU foreign relations, as a result of a change in the political landscape of the EU, one must first examineShow MoreRelatedModern And Capable Armed Forces933 Words  | 4 Pagesresort among competing interests and values in the policy, including the subordination of the military to the highest political authorities. Armed Forces of a country should be designed to fulfil all tasks given to them from political authorities. Each country develops its armed forces based on specific conditions and requirements drawn from national security policy and as stated in national security and national defense strategies. National security strategy is aimed to enhance the safety of the nation’sRead MoreEuropean Union : International Security And Defense Policy Essay1363 Words  | 6 Pagespillars: the Community pillar, which has a supranational character, the Common Foreign and Security Policy pillar, and the Justice and Home Affairs pillar. The second and third pillars, have an intergovernmental character. Under the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) domain are nested all questions related to the security of the EU, including the common defense. EU objectives in the area of external security and defense were identified in Maastricht Treaty in 1992, some tangible crisis managementRead MoreBudge t As Policy And Strategy1683 Words  | 7 Pages October 22, 2015 By Mohammad Shafiq Budget as Policy and Strategy The tools of American statecraft defense, diplomacy, foreign and security assistance, homeland security, security cooperation and intelligence are rarely examined together, but Adams and Williams have explained the links and needs of these tools in one box. They fill this gap by examining how these tools work, how they are planned for, and how they are budgeted. Seeing policy through the lens of the budget is essential, and itRead MoreThe European Union ( Eu )1524 Words  | 7 Pagesmove freely; a common trade policy; a common agricultural policy; many aspects of social and environmental policy; and a common currency (the euro â‚ ¬) that is used by 19 member states. Since the mid-1990s, EU member states have also taken significant steps toward political integration, with decisions to develop a Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and efforts to enhance cooperation in the area of Justice and Home Affairs (JHA), which is aimed at forging common internal security measures. EuropeanRead MoreThe National Security Strategy Essay921 Words  | 4 PagesNational Security Strategy considers the enduring US national interests as â€Å"the security of the US, its citizens, and US allies and partners; a strong, innovative and growing US economy in an open international economic system that promotes opportunity and prosperity; respect for universal values at home and around the world; an international order advanced by US leadership that promotes peace, security, and opportunity through stronger cooperation to meet global challenges.†The Defense StrategicRead MoreEuropean Military Integration Of The United States1701 Words  | 7 Pagesyears, Europe has had its military policy tied to that of the United States through the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). During much of this period European and U.S. security interests were aligned against a common threat in the USSR. However, the era following the collapse of the Soviet Union has been mar ked by a European shift away from national sovereignty and towards a more integrated Europe. This can be most notably observed by the adoption of a common currency in the 18 member statesRead MorePrivate Goods vs. Public Goods1528 Words  | 6 PagesConversely, a private good is both rival and excludable. An individual owns their good, not everyone can own the same good (rival), and each individual can exclude others from using that good (excludable). Mixed goods are hybrids of public and private: Common Pool Resource goods display the rival elements but are non-excludable, while Club Goods contain the non-rival element but are excludable ( N.D. PP. 1). Congested toll roads- Private good, because some can be excluded from its use byRead MoreThe Differences Between State Security and Human Security Essay949 Words  | 4 PagesState security basically entails the tendency of a nation adhering to its own set of demands in regard to the issue of security policies (Baylis, J.2010, p.233).Traditional security also involves a host of other aspects that are defined by virtue of subordination. Describing the matter further reveals that state security is primarily the protection of available institutions, ethics or values within a nation, and above all human beings living inside its boundaries (Brauch, 2003, 204). State securityRead MoreThe Roles of The National Security Enterprise 1301 Words  | 5 PagesThe National Security Enterprise (NSE) is the overarching government apparatus responsible for national security decision making. This is generally thought of as the National Security Council (NSC) and the Department and Agencies they represent. However, Roger Z George and Harvey Rishikof point out in The National Security Enterprise: Navigating the Labyrinth that national security decision-making may rest with the President and the NSC but is significantly influenced by the Modern Media (includingRead MoreEssay751 Words  | 4 Pagesunity. The goal of this paper is to analyze how compliant France has been with integrating into the European Union’s idea of foreign and security policies. The European Union’s Foreign policy and security can best be described as one of collective security. The EU puts great emphasis on international security among its member nations and this sense of uniformed security is what drives smaller nations to join. However the main tool of their choice is diplomacy, not only does the EU attempt to negotiate
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Dogs as Pets Free Essays
Dogs, simply put, are man’s best friend. These fantastic creatures are extremely loving and undeniably loyal. Both dogs and humans are happier if we are around each other. We will write a custom essay sample on Dogs as Pets or any similar topic only for you Order Now A great deal of dog owners make their dogs a significant part of their family. Having a dog in your life awards you with numerous benefits. Dogs provide their owners with companionship and relief from loneliness, mental health benefits, physical health benefits and exercise options, built in home security, pleasure in knowing you’re caring for a living creature, and complete unconditional love. Companionship is probably the number one reason people adopt a dog. You know when you come home everyday you will always have a happy soul there to greet you. Whether you need someone to accompany you on a ride in the car, if you’re craving a little cuddling in your bed or company on the couch watching television your dog will always be there for you. When you own a dog you are never alone. In fact, just walking from room to room in your home you’ll be followed. When human beings disappoint you and you feel as you have no one you can spend time with you can always count on your canine. The loyalty of dogs is amazing and they always want to be by your side. There are many other benefits to owning a dog but for sure your dog will become your side kick. Dog ownership can have a very concrete effect on your mental and emotional well being. Just the fact that with a dog you never feel alone is totally beneficial to your mental state. Being alone can often lead to depression, and owning a dog can cure or reduce those feelings. It is reported that dogs elevate serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain which control pleasure and calming feelings. With these feelings comes a happier existence and lower stress levels. Besides the mental health benefits, having a low stress life can lead to physical benefits as well. Dogs can also be profitable to your physical body. Many studies show that dog owners have lower levels of cholesterol. Other studies reveal people who own dogs have lower blood pressure levels than someone that does not own a dog. Possibly this could be do to dog’s stress reducing capabilities. Also, studies have shown that people who own dogs have lower levels of anxiety during stressful situations than pet free people. Another added plus to owning a dog is a reason to exercise. If you are a responsible owner walking your dog is a necessity. While exercising your dog you are also exercising yourself, which is obviously beneficial. For many years people have studied the physical influence dogs have over people. All studies conclude that dog ownership has solid and substantial impact on the human body. Besides biological benefits, home security is another factor dogs play a part in. A dog can hear things that we as humans cannot hear. Anyone who owns a dog knows that no one or nothing can get five feet from their house without their dog alerting them to that fact. If a potential burglar is considering your home for a break in and they hear a dog barking, they will most definitely not go through with it. While a professional alarm system is subject to electrical and programming failures, a dog’s innate sense to protect their territory will never fail. A dog’s need to defend their home and owners is an integral part of their being. Owning a dog can make you sleep good at night and you can always rely on this failure safe means of security. People need security for their homes, but also need security for their souls. It is possible that human beings have a distinct need to care for living beings. Especially people without children, a dog can be like a son or daughter to its owner. Providing for and taking care of something that completely depends on you can create great comfort. Owning a dog can give someone great purpose and meaning in their life. In payment for taking care of your dog, he will give you complete unconditional love. No matter what your circumstances are your dog will always love you to the bitter end. Their love for you is automatic and definite. From the moment you pick them up and decide they are to become yours, they love you. As our life goes on our needs constantly evolve and change. However, love is something we need from the moment we are born until the die we die. And dogs will provide you much love as though that is their purpose on this earth. Dogs award human beings with many things. You will always have a friend you can count on. While human friends may come and go, your canine buddy will stand by your side forever. With this constant companionship comes a new mental state. Dog ownership can help you overcome depression, anxiety and stressful situations. While your mind is being soothed, your physical body can be assisted as well. By committing to physical exercise with your canine companion, you are living a healthier lifestyle. With added benefits of lower cholesterol and lower blood pressure, owning a dog can make your quality of life much better. The fact that your home is more secure because your dog will be protecting it will give anyone peace. Great purpose can be felt knowing your dog is completely relying on you. Just the feeling of total love your dog bestows on you will make your world a happier place. A dog can make your life complete. One cannot completely understand this statement if they don’t own a dog. A dog can and will make your life fuller, happier, safer, meaningful, and full of love. No wonder they call them man’s best friend. How to cite Dogs as Pets, Essay examples
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Self-Test Questions on Organization Structures and Designs Essay Example
Self-Test Questions on Organization Structures and Designs Essay Truest. Social network analysis identifies the informal structures and their embedded social relationships that are active in an organization. False. Identifying the informal structures and their embedded social relationships that are active in an organization defines social empowerment analysis. Truer. Three common types of traditional organizational structures are functional, divisional, and matrix. Truer. A potential disadvantage of functional structures concerns difficulties in pinpointing responsibilities for cost containment, product or service laity, timeliness, and innovation. Truer. Included among the potential advantages of divisional structures are more flexibility in responding to environmental changes and clear points of responsibility for product or service delivery. Truer AAA work process is a group of tasks related to one another that collectively creates something of value to a customer. Truer 1 . The potential disadvantages of team structures include conflicting loyalties among members regarding both team and functional assignments and the excessive time spent in meetings. Truer 2. The advantages of network structures include (a) staying cost competitive through reduced overhead and increased operating efficiency, and (b) operating with fewer full-time employees and less complex internal systems. Truer 3. A virtual organization is a special form of a boundaries organization. True. Decentralized authority, fewer rules and procedures, and personal means of coordination are characteristics of organic designs. Truer 5. Adaptive organizations operate with a minimum of bureaucratic structure and with cultures that encourage worker empowerment and participation. We will write a custom essay sample on Self-Test Questions on Organization Structures and Designs specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Self-Test Questions on Organization Structures and Designs specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Self-Test Questions on Organization Structures and Designs specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Falsely. Narrow spans of control create an organization that is more efficient and flexible, whereas wider spans Of control usually result in additional management overhead costs. Truer 7 -Authority is the right to act in ways to carry out the assigned tasks. Truer 8. Staff can grow to the point where it costs more in administrative overhead than the staff is worth. Multiple Choice AAA. We dont empower others because we fear losing B. Employees C. Trust D. Money E. None of the above . A. Control 820. Is the process of arranging people and other resources to together to accomplish a goal. A. Planning. B. Organizing C. Controlling. D. Leading. E. Straightening. AAA . Any organization structure should and . A. Allocate task assignments through a division Of labor provide for the coordination Of performance results. B. Allocate task assignments through a division of labor provide for the creation of a horizontal organization. C. Allocate organizational resources to important departments provide for the oversight of less important departments. D. Assign good leaders to the effective work teams assign poorer leaders to marginally effective work teams. E. Assign organizational objectives to divisions, departments, and work teams provide for the coordination of performance results. EYE. Which of the following pieces of information cannot be determined front an organization chart? A. Formal communication channels. B. Type of work performed. C. Division of work. D. Levels of management. E. Informal decision-making coalitions. 24. Jill, a recent MBA graduate in the field of accounting, is the finance manager of ION Company. Jill has a problem with a shadow organization in his division. One sensible first step in Sills management strategy might be A. Meeting with his employees to let them know he is the boss. B. Promising bonuses only to those employees who agree with him and work with him. C. Seeking to understand and work with the shadow organization. D. Firing the people who are members of the shadow organization. E. Assuming his staff is trying to undermine him and act accordingly. CA. When an organization chart shows vice presidents of marketing, manufacturing, finance, and human resources reporting directly to the president of a company, the top management group is organized as a structure. A. Horizontal. B. Vertical. C. Functional. D. Divisional. E. Matrix. DAD. Structures that group together jobs and activities that are serving the same customers or clients are called B. Process. C. Matrix. D. Customer. E. Geographical. Structures. A. Product. B 27. EX. Marketing creates teams of employees from varying departments within the organization when working on projects for their clients. This combination of members from different areas of work responsibility is an example of: A. Interdepartmental team. B. Cross-functional team. C. Self-managing team. D. Task team. E. Network team. E 28. Organizations are those in which teamwork and intense communication take the place of formal lines of authority. A. Divisional. B. Functional. C. Geographical. D. Matrix. E. Boundaries. C 29. Triple Z Inc. Is a new company that is contemplating the type of organizational design to use in its operations and is considering a design that is characterized by decentralization, wider spans of control, and few rules anal procedures. Triple Z is considering which type of design? : A. Mechanistic. B. Traditional. C. Organic. D. Bureaucratic. E. Transformational. C 30.
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