Saturday, May 9, 2020
The Common Security And Defense Policy Essay - 2182 Words
Many of the institutions within the European Union play a substantial role in formulating EU foreign policy. The Common Security and Defense Policy, often referred to as the CSDP, was created as a way for the EU member states to develop defense, military and crisis management policies. The CSDP, which began as a Franco-British initiative in 1998, was created as a major component of the Common Security Foreign Policy of the European Union. In the years since its inception, the CSDP has enabled the EU to gain power and become a world leader in the realm of international security. Much of the common security and defense policy’s success is due to the capabilities and resources that are provided by the EU member states and world partners such as NATO. As many of the European Union member states are members of both the CSDP and NATO, the two organizations work side by side in order to accomplish Western security goals. Britain had played a leading role in the EU common security a nd defense policy since it was created. Since the vote in June 2016 to decide whether the British exit from the EU would take place, many have wondered what ‘Brexit’ would mean for the EU and its institutions. This paper will examine and analyze the impact of Brexit on the EU Common Security and Defense Policy. In order to truly understand how the UK’s exit from the Union will impact the CSDP and EU foreign relations, as a result of a change in the political landscape of the EU, one must first examineShow MoreRelatedModern And Capable Armed Forces933 Words  | 4 Pagesresort among competing interests and values in the policy, including the subordination of the military to the highest political authorities. Armed Forces of a country should be designed to fulfil all tasks given to them from political authorities. 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